Protein, Please.

Protein, Please.

Protein, Please.

Proteins are large, complex molecules that play many critical roles in the body. Protein is a crucial component of our diets, or at least it should be. Many Americans center their diets around processed carbohydrates and saturated fats, when we should be fueling ourselves with complex carbs, adequate amounts of protein and a variety of healthy fats.
There are numerous reasons why you may be avoiding or lacking protein in your diet, but we wanted to take a second and remind you of why you need to include it. Proteins have numerous functions within the body, and these are some of them.
1. Immunity
They serve as antibodies, binding to specific foreign particles and protecting us from getting sick through viral or bacterial illnesses.
2. Enzymes
Proteins serve as enzymes within the body, and are the catalyst to various chemical reactions that occur within our cells each and everyday. For example, pepsin is an enzyme that is found in your stomach. Its role is to break down the proteins in food that you are consuming.
3. Messenger
Proteins also serve as messenger proteins. These messenger proteins allow for cells in one part of our body to communicate with cells in various other parts of the body. Many of these proteins are hormones, but not all hormones are proteins. One example of a messenger protein that many of us are familiar with is insulin, which regulates glucose metabolism within the body.
4. Structure
While lipids makes up the outside-bilayer of our cells, protein is a crucial component that makes up the structure of the cells. Without sufficient protein in the body, our cells would not be able to hold up and maintain their cell walls, and would be completely damaged. On a larger scale, these proteins that make up the structure allow for us to move.
5. Transport/Storage
Protein is a key component of transporting and storing small molecules. For example, oxygen is transported throughout the body by the protein Hemoglobin. Without this key protein, we would not be able to deliver adequate amounts of oxygen to our cells and tissues, which is extremely vital for life. Click here to learn more in depth about proteins various functions.
There seems to be quite a bit of confusion regarding how much protein is recommended on a daily basis for an average male and female. While the RDA recommends around 0.8g/kg of your body weight, this is not necessarily the golden number. The RDA recommendations are made to meet your most basic nutritional requirements, meaning the minimum amount you can eat per day to not become sick, and to fuel your cells to do what they need to do. They are not the specific amount you should consume each day. Research has shown that roughly 2x the RDA values are safe to consume and are more accurate for protein consumption. This would equate to roughly 15-25% of your calories coming from protein alone, but the exact percentage would depend on your age, gender, height, weight, and activity level. Learn more about your daily protein requirements
The average American consumes around 16% of calories from protein- both plant and animal sources. Many Americans tend to load up their protein intake around dinner time as well, when realistically they should spread their intake throughout the day in smaller portions. Studies have shown that high protein meals and foods are far more satiating than high carbohydrate or high fat meals. Nearly 10-30% more calories are consumed with a meal that is high in carbohydrates than a high protein meal. Learn more about protein intake and weight management here. Other studies have shown that healthy humans consuming a high protein diet report feeling less hungry, while low-protein diets induce more feelings of hunger and desire to eat. And as a result being more satiated throughout the day leads to a negative energy balance and weight loss. Studies have also shown that more rapidly absorbed proteins (whey) have been associated with stronger satiety than slowly absorbed proteins (casein). Read more about the research studies here.
Our product is 100% whey isolate, so it is a very quickly absorbed protein compared to other types of protein powder. It can be so challenging to meet our daily protein requirements, especially when you are supposed to spread your intake throughout the day! Whether you are a traveler, shift worker, busy mother, or a college student who can not afford to buy copious amounts of groceries to meet your protein intake, you know exactly what I am talking about. It can be tough. We all live such busy lives, and it is one thing to make sure you can take an hour off of work at lunch time to squeeze in a healthy meal, but another to make sure that your lunch is packed with protein.
We wanted to take some time to show you what roughly 20 grams of protein looks like with a variety of foods, and how this compares to our product. We understand how busy you all are, so we wanted to make your breakfast, snacks, lunches, and maybe even dinners just a bit easier, and a-lot bit more filling and nutritious.
1 Cup of lentils
Calories: 230
Fat: 0g
Carbohydrates: 40g
Protein: 18g
Fat Free greek yogurt: 1 cup
Calories: 100
Fat: 0.7g
Carbohydrates: 6g
Protein: 17g
3 Eggs with the Yolk
Calories: 234
Fat: 15g
Carbohydrates: 1.8g
Protein: 18g
5 slices of Deli Ham
Calories: 500
Fat: 45g
Carbs: 3.5g
Protein: 17.5g
1 cup of edamame
Calories: 189
Fat: 8g
Carbohydrates: 15g
Protein: 17g
1 VADE Nutrition Pod
Calories: 90
Fat: 0g
Carbohydrates: 1g
Protein: 20g
Not only do these foods not even hit 20 grams of protein in their serving sizes, but they also need to be cooked or stored properly or else they would spoil. That is just one more thing VADE has to offer- it is so incredibly convenient. All you need is some water, our pods and a shaker bottle. Best of all, our shakes only come out to $1.50 per serving! To put this in perspective, this is about ¼ of the price of a Starbucks grande iced caramel macchiato and will keep you more satiated and provide you with plenty more nutrients than a coffee beverage. That is only $1.50 for your lunch or a snack, and a very healthy one!
Our product at VADE is 100% Whey Isolate protein. We wanted to maximize the amount of protein in each serving, and cut back on unnecessary calories from fat and sugar. We also wanted to design a product that was compatible with those who are lactose-free or intolerant or even those who aren’t. Our product contains high amounts of essential and branched chain amino acids, which are critical to building and maintaining muscle mass. We strive to provide the highest quality and most convenient products for our customers. We hope that you will make a positive change to your diet and find ways to include more protein to satisfy your nutritional needs. Click here to purchase your VADE protein powder today. You won't regret it, we promise.
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